Škoda Favorit 1.0
5 354
5 354
Škoda Favorit for GTA V 1.00
by T3mas1
Installation: Just put all the files into: GTAVDIRECTORY/x64e/levels/gtav/vehicles with OpenIV
- full functional lights
- exhaust
- openable doors
- hands are on the steering wheel
- the scale is now better [update]
- a new steering wheel
- the interior is now better
- an "easter egg" has been added
- some new textures
known bugs:
- no breakeable glass
- the steering wheel doesn't move
- lods (L1 and higher) are missing
- some materials may sometimes emit weird reflection
by T3mas1
Installation: Just put all the files into: GTAVDIRECTORY/x64e/levels/gtav/vehicles with OpenIV
- full functional lights
- exhaust
- openable doors
- hands are on the steering wheel
- the scale is now better [update]
- a new steering wheel
- the interior is now better
- an "easter egg" has been added
- some new textures
known bugs:
- no breakeable glass
- the steering wheel doesn't move
- lods (L1 and higher) are missing
- some materials may sometimes emit weird reflection
Първо качено на: 22 септември 2015
Последно обновено на: 22 октомври 2017
Последно изтеглено: преди 6 часа
33 Коментари
More mods by T3mas1:
- Коли
By T3mas1
- Авиация
- Белетристични
- Add-On
- Space
11 082
[BETA] 3.1
By T3mas1
Škoda Favorit for GTA V 1.00
by T3mas1
Installation: Just put all the files into: GTAVDIRECTORY/x64e/levels/gtav/vehicles with OpenIV
- full functional lights
- exhaust
- openable doors
- hands are on the steering wheel
- the scale is now better [update]
- a new steering wheel
- the interior is now better
- an "easter egg" has been added
- some new textures
known bugs:
- no breakeable glass
- the steering wheel doesn't move
- lods (L1 and higher) are missing
- some materials may sometimes emit weird reflection
by T3mas1
Installation: Just put all the files into: GTAVDIRECTORY/x64e/levels/gtav/vehicles with OpenIV
- full functional lights
- exhaust
- openable doors
- hands are on the steering wheel
- the scale is now better [update]
- a new steering wheel
- the interior is now better
- an "easter egg" has been added
- some new textures
known bugs:
- no breakeable glass
- the steering wheel doesn't move
- lods (L1 and higher) are missing
- some materials may sometimes emit weird reflection
Първо качено на: 22 септември 2015
Последно обновено на: 22 октомври 2017
Последно изтеглено: преди 6 часа
@libertz Dneska je to Škoda Favorit, zítra to bude celý model ČR. :D Ale že by se do toho někdo hned pustil, to si nemyslím.., ale nechci ztrácet naději, no takové projekty se dělají spíš do Mafie... Favorit v USA, kór v Californii, je sice trošku crazy, ale na druhou stranu si myslím, že tento model Škody Favorit v GTA V snad nikoho neurazí. :)
This Moskvich
@T3mas1 Nice, didn't see that coming.....3dwarehouse mozna ma lepsi model, volant tam merge...presun z nejakyho originalu a template na rozbijeni oken by nemel byt problem. Najdi si podobny 4 dverovy auto a pouzij CWGV soubory.
Nedavno jsem videl TFLcar yt serial kde prevezli Tatru603 z Prahy do CA Pebble Beach
@T3mas1 Nefunkční interiér mě netrápí vůbec, ale ty lemy, které háží odlesky jako chromové, to vypadá hůř. Nebylo by špatné doplnit možnosti tuningu - možnost osadit plastové lemy jako měl originál, originál křídlo, střešní okno, originál kola, atd.. Pak by to u mě byl top model, pokud by se udělala ještě varianta Forman. Na svého Formana nedám dopustit, jediné auto, které mě nikdy nezklamalo. A teda ještě ve hře trošku kazí dojem ten náhon na zadek :-D
could you make Skoda Octavia III vRS
Front wheels look kinda off place to me .. I might be mistaken tho.
favoritku si zajebal :D
sprav SKODU 105/120/130 :D to bude styl :D bolo by nieco take, ze zakladna bude uzovka 105S a bude sa dat vytunik na Mko :D ak chces, mam v Zmodelery spravene skodovky..... len to prekonvertovat treba, mam rapidu, tuningovu 120 Mko, a uzovku........ mozno by sa nasla aj GARDECKA :D
@T3mas1 Je to i na PS3? Prosím odpověz
@kubasitina Ne, žádná taková modifikace nefunguje na konzolích. Bohužel...
@T3mas1 Luxusní :-))
Jo jo škodovky 742 i 744 by byli pěkné :)
Suprovej Favorák :D pěkná práce (y)
New škodas plz / novè škodovky poprosìm :)))
Hele? Nemohl by jsi přidat i addon verzi? Docela by se hodila.
@KoddraCZE Nemohl, neumím to. GTA V už dávno nemoduji.
@T3mas1 Čau prosím tebe neudělal bys lepší textury toho favoritu, byl bych rád za více CZK skoda znacek jako je např 120l apod....
@TedakCZE Ahoj, moduju už jenom Mafii 2. Pro ní už je dostupná Škoda 120.