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Wow, so beautiful alfa, thanks a lot! There is only one caveat, the wheels are not centered, this can be seen with a burn-out.
Приветствую. Конверт просто супер! Особенно радует анимация открывания фар. Спасибо за труды! Есть только один недостаток - при замене колес задняя ось почему-то очень узкая, и сами колеса меньше стоковых. В остальном яга просто шикарная!
Beautiful truck mate, wonderful classic, thanks a lot for your mods
Amazing, favorite authors, thank you guys!!!
Amazing job, thank you! Feature with putting a turn signal on top of the daylight is genious and beautiful
Fine classic, thanx a lot!
@Abolfazldanaee Unfortunately I found) Hood and trunk don't open and there is no any suspension and exhaust. It's ideal model to convert, thanks a lot!
Love your works! Almost perfect truck, rear indicators don't working :( Could you fix it please? And thanks for a lot of great classic! It's awesome.