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  • Chop2
  • Chop2

    i did it says its last update was march but in july they dropped tuners

  • Chop2

    i did try that method games broke now so yeah bye goin toi play cyberpunk till scriphook get its shit together so i can fix my game agin grrr i hate this cool down poop let me commit grrrrrrrrrrrr

  • Chop2

    and coc star not everyone a rich prick so price cheaper if u wanna save your game bro as a angry customer i am tired of this pay to win bs and all i really hope that trend will finally die i mean the cars are cool but the fastest lookin car ant allways gonna win i mean take 4 instance gta onlines new update on xb1 i have da boss 429 lookin car u added but keep gettin beat by a shitty cilca or what ever that car is thats blue in ls carmeet and the ones beatin me are stock my cars of course maxed out so wtf coc star just why do u not have a brain i mean shure it will be faster off road cuse its a rally mechene but onroad my boss should beat it in some things grrrr gread is killing games as gamers we sould go on strike as we shouldnt have to see good games be killed by greed and also- we shoul not see so manny devs promise but not dilver compertive to gta cyberpunk is better cuse at lest cdpr is tryin to fix shit fasterthan gta and mod support ant been styfeld and infact bosterd due to cdpr patching it so mods are safe to do in ther game and i know youall are gonna say it ant got a online part yet but wait cdpr has said thyed love to do a online cyberpunk mode and that if they do it might be like coop so if cdpr can do it gta v can allow it so rockstar allow us to mod on xb1 in privte lobbys i mean grr if it can be set up to were u only can ascess gains made in privte lobbys ie cash cars and houses or busness then why not do it so at lest we the few howlm arnt rich can tryout those cars on our won as all i wanted to do is create my own rp thingy or freeroam drift with new cars but damn cocstar way to kill our fun hince why im boycottin cocstar and gta online for a bit to play cyberpunk they got their shit together

  • Chop2

    you dont even relise how freakin manny things ive tryed to do to fix my game since da update that scripthook dev guy need to fix his shit and tell rockstar to sop flaging his shit as cheats each update so we can play with out need for new scripthook now ima have to copy my mods to annother location then reinstall gta v else where and re add my scripts grr and we wonder why cok star wont support mods its because they too lazy to actuly set and enforce rules grr not to mention the amount of supposed fixes that are missleading as f their messed up updates killin moddablty and all i wanted is a way to play with da new dlc cars wo needing gta $ no wonder why peps hate on em they gready as fuc i mean 20+ irl gets u 1.2 mill gta $ but that dont get u poo you need at lest 50$ to get 1 mabe 2 cars outta each update no wonder peps play moded gta ove stock gta online when you system is greedly flawed as it is no one sould have to put up witth this i mean even cdpr is doing better than youall with cyberpunk and no wonder its because they ant askin for thousands over your life time of playin thir game btw its your money they want at rockstar and 4 this reason i hope gta v kills the fransie and rockstar

  • Chop2

    not the propgroups know what nvr mind u are usless to explain a problm too

  • Chop2

    yeah but u cant spawn then with out it no traner can be used so explain to me how does he know there is no limit

  • Chop2

    how do u have this config and know it works if scripthook ant updated bro makes 0 sence

  • Chop2

    hey i had this as addon before but rims dont chang how can i change rims as i own a 98 witch is verry simmular to da 2002 camro irl and wanted to try out differnt rims n such so when i go to paint my car i can get it matchin and lookin good plz inform me of what tweak i need to make to allou rim choice

  • Chop2

    @OVERKILL GAMING also make a uninstaller oiv u should have so if it no work 4 some one un install would be easy not all mod users are coders or genuses bro