Parking Koło Ammunition [MapEditor] 1.0
Siema zajmuje sie robieniem mapek do Gry GTA V moja mapka ktora dzis zrobilem nadaje sie rowniez do GTA V RP Poniewaz na niektorych serwerach jest w tym miejscu parking
Ten parking ktory robilem znajduje sie kolo Ammunition.
Jak ktos bedzie zainteresowany lub bedzie chcial jakas mapke zeby mu zrobic prosze o napisanie komentarza postaram sie zrobic i przeslac na ta strone
W mapie uzyte zostaly rzeczy z GTA V na mapie znajduja sie
-Male lampeczki odzielajace parking
-I jampy w garazu ktory mozna otworzyc
Zostaw opinie
Jak ci sie podoba
Lub jak nie
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z dodawaniem
mapek tutaj
Insalacja: Wejdz w pliki Gry GTA V i wloz do plikow gry Plik o nazwie ,,Siema" jesli to juz zrobisz wejdz w gre GTA V i wlacz Map editora i kliknij load map i wpisz ,,Siema" powinnienes miec juz mapke
Hi, I'm making maps for the GTA V game, my map I made today is also suitable for GTA V RP, because on some servers there is parking in this place
This parking lot I was doing is near Ammunition.
If someone is interested or wants a map to make him, please write a comment, I will try to do and send to this page
The map uses things from GTA V on the map are located
-Little lamps separating the parking lot
-And a garage that can be opened
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Just getting started
with addition
map here
Installation: Go to the GTA V game files and put the file and file into the game file click "Hi" if you do, go to the GTA V game and turn on the Map Editor and load the map and enter "Hi" you should have a map already
Ten parking ktory robilem znajduje sie kolo Ammunition.
Jak ktos bedzie zainteresowany lub bedzie chcial jakas mapke zeby mu zrobic prosze o napisanie komentarza postaram sie zrobic i przeslac na ta strone
W mapie uzyte zostaly rzeczy z GTA V na mapie znajduja sie
-Male lampeczki odzielajace parking
-I jampy w garazu ktory mozna otworzyc
Zostaw opinie
Jak ci sie podoba
Lub jak nie
Dopiero zaczynam
z dodawaniem
mapek tutaj
Insalacja: Wejdz w pliki Gry GTA V i wloz do plikow gry Plik o nazwie ,,Siema" jesli to juz zrobisz wejdz w gre GTA V i wlacz Map editora i kliknij load map i wpisz ,,Siema" powinnienes miec juz mapke
Hi, I'm making maps for the GTA V game, my map I made today is also suitable for GTA V RP, because on some servers there is parking in this place
This parking lot I was doing is near Ammunition.
If someone is interested or wants a map to make him, please write a comment, I will try to do and send to this page
The map uses things from GTA V on the map are located
-Little lamps separating the parking lot
-And a garage that can be opened
Leave feedback
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Or how not
Just getting started
with addition
map here
Installation: Go to the GTA V game files and put the file and file into the game file click "Hi" if you do, go to the GTA V game and turn on the Map Editor and load the map and enter "Hi" you should have a map already
Първо качено на: 25 юли 2020
Последно обновено на: 26 юли 2020
Последно изтеглено: Преди 8 дена
2 Коментари
Siema zajmuje sie robieniem mapek do Gry GTA V moja mapka ktora dzis zrobilem nadaje sie rowniez do GTA V RP Poniewaz na niektorych serwerach jest w tym miejscu parking
Ten parking ktory robilem znajduje sie kolo Ammunition.
Jak ktos bedzie zainteresowany lub bedzie chcial jakas mapke zeby mu zrobic prosze o napisanie komentarza postaram sie zrobic i przeslac na ta strone
W mapie uzyte zostaly rzeczy z GTA V na mapie znajduja sie
-Male lampeczki odzielajace parking
-I jampy w garazu ktory mozna otworzyc
Zostaw opinie
Jak ci sie podoba
Lub jak nie
Dopiero zaczynam
z dodawaniem
mapek tutaj
Insalacja: Wejdz w pliki Gry GTA V i wloz do plikow gry Plik o nazwie ,,Siema" jesli to juz zrobisz wejdz w gre GTA V i wlacz Map editora i kliknij load map i wpisz ,,Siema" powinnienes miec juz mapke
Hi, I'm making maps for the GTA V game, my map I made today is also suitable for GTA V RP, because on some servers there is parking in this place
This parking lot I was doing is near Ammunition.
If someone is interested or wants a map to make him, please write a comment, I will try to do and send to this page
The map uses things from GTA V on the map are located
-Little lamps separating the parking lot
-And a garage that can be opened
Leave feedback
How do you like it
Or how not
Just getting started
with addition
map here
Installation: Go to the GTA V game files and put the file and file into the game file click "Hi" if you do, go to the GTA V game and turn on the Map Editor and load the map and enter "Hi" you should have a map already
Ten parking ktory robilem znajduje sie kolo Ammunition.
Jak ktos bedzie zainteresowany lub bedzie chcial jakas mapke zeby mu zrobic prosze o napisanie komentarza postaram sie zrobic i przeslac na ta strone
W mapie uzyte zostaly rzeczy z GTA V na mapie znajduja sie
-Male lampeczki odzielajace parking
-I jampy w garazu ktory mozna otworzyc
Zostaw opinie
Jak ci sie podoba
Lub jak nie
Dopiero zaczynam
z dodawaniem
mapek tutaj
Insalacja: Wejdz w pliki Gry GTA V i wloz do plikow gry Plik o nazwie ,,Siema" jesli to juz zrobisz wejdz w gre GTA V i wlacz Map editora i kliknij load map i wpisz ,,Siema" powinnienes miec juz mapke
Hi, I'm making maps for the GTA V game, my map I made today is also suitable for GTA V RP, because on some servers there is parking in this place
This parking lot I was doing is near Ammunition.
If someone is interested or wants a map to make him, please write a comment, I will try to do and send to this page
The map uses things from GTA V on the map are located
-Little lamps separating the parking lot
-And a garage that can be opened
Leave feedback
How do you like it
Or how not
Just getting started
with addition
map here
Installation: Go to the GTA V game files and put the file and file into the game file click "Hi" if you do, go to the GTA V game and turn on the Map Editor and load the map and enter "Hi" you should have a map already
Първо качено на: 25 юли 2020
Последно обновено на: 26 юли 2020
Последно изтеглено: Преди 8 дена
To niezła mapka xDDDDD
@S_K ?