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    First of all, fun mod! Kinda DayZ-like, however I've never played that game...
    Second, a question: I can't open doors for interiors. Especially the convenience store doors are a big pain for not opening. Are they locked and do I need a crowbar or key or something or is this a bug?

    Finally, for some feedback/suggestions:
    -For some resources it took some time for me to find out how they work. For example dirty water, I had no idea (however it's fairly obvious now) that I required a bottle and needed to press "F" in dirty water. I.m.o. a more extensive readme/manual on resources and such wouldn't hurt! :)
    -When you loot something it says you've retrieved an x-amount of resources, would it be possible to see what resources they are?
    -There's so many cars around, but I can't loot them. Surely there are useful items to be found in cars! Perhaps for a next update make this possible.