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    Fuck this mod. I understand that the dude who can't speak English put a lot of time and effort into it, but fuck him too. Just reading these bullshit, half-assed instructions makes me shake my head in disappointment. You modders make some great tools, but you're too stupid to ask someone to simply proofread your instructions. I don't even want to try this mod anymore because your dumb ass says "2) Download the downloaded enb file." What the fuck does that even mean? Which file? In which file pack is the ENB file located? Then, you add "Choose which timecyc you use". I don't use anything. My GTAV is vanilla. Why don't you take 5 minutes and add a link for these mods?? Anyway, I don't mean to sound so harsh but what the fuck dude? We're not all coders and modders, so why not make these instructions at least somewhat coherent? I want to enjoy the mod, but I have better things to do with my time than spend 4-5 hours just trying to figure out what you're trying to say. If you really want to share your project with the world, why not learn how to compile and put all of this shit into a simple executable? Everyone would download YOUR mod instead of any of the others, and you could even charge for that. Everyone wins. It just seems so simple that you would think of something like that.