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    First time I saw a car stopped sideways on the road with cones out I knew it had to be this mod doing it. Later I jacked a car near the beach and then a single red pip appeared on the map; a cop on a bicycle wasn't happy. Feels more alive for sure.

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    This mod adds its own police response? It doesn't seem to let you use any other police response mods. I stole a 20k rusted out shitbox and had three stars. Those three stars were ridiculous of course to see
    for that while a super car I stole had zero response. The three star response seemed to be vanilla behavior of helicopters and cars but ALL instantly at your location. Can't endorse highly because of that, I'm afraid.

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    Had fun playing with this last night. Loved that some victims turned aggressor in return, etc etc. Need to try the llc cheat though too as I'm still playing through the story.

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    @lucasvinbr I had to delete and reinstall, but went to gangs not taking over neutral to get a few in before we started fighting. Sadly my game went to shit for other reasons, so I am restarting. lol I did notice that shortly after the mod started working that the other gangs' levels went up real fast. Although I also spent many millions to raise mine, the map always said I was level 0.

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    I've been scouring for a mod like this so I can raise Strength by doing something other than golf or tennis.

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    WTF is going on with this mod? Started my first war lvl 0, it was owned by a rival gang, Chose Small attack. 150 of them to my 3 and they were using fire bombs or something. WTF?? How do they have 150 people all packed in one block and I have 3.