8 харесвани файлове
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    This is how the original map/world of GTA V should've originally been like. Combined with other mods, GTA V is interesting to play again!

    05 септември 2018
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    So like my comment above suggests, I'm using this with the Pull Me Over mod and they an amazing combo. My problems were solved by checking out my trainer settings. I had 'police ignore player' setting on, which apparently caused the cop cars not being able to move. I turned the option off and they instantly started to drive normally. My mistake, mod is amazing and clearly works. 5 stars.

    05 септември 2018
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    @johnXtremo Yeah, same happening here. Tried many different scenarios (like crashing into them, pushing their car and so on..) too, no matter what I do - their cars have locked brakes really tight. However, I can drive a cop car normally. But even with this bug, I can stop next to a cop car after speeding, and the officer does hop out of his car to give me a speeding ticket. Amazing, just wish cops could patrol the streets with their vehicles, then this would deserve 5 stars easily.

    05 септември 2018